Shake It Up is an American television sitcom airing on Disney Channel in the United States. The series premiered on November 7, 2010. Created by Chris Thompson and starring Bella Thorne and Zendaya, the show follows the adventures of CeCe Jones (Thorne) and Rocky Blue (Zendaya) as they star as background dancers on a local show, "Shake It Up Chicago." It also chronicles their misadventures on- and off-set, and their troubles and rising social status at school. Davis Cleveland, Roshon Fegan, Adam Irigoyen and Kenton Duty also co-star in the series. The show's original concept was for Disney to create a female buddy comedy, only with a dance aspect. The dance concept is Disney's third original series, after The Famous Jett Jackson and Sonny with a Chance, to use a show-within-a-show format. On March 16, 2011, it was announced that series has been renewed for a second season .
hehehe.. amik ko! bahasa inggeris terus.. pandai2 la korang translate ekh.. if nak tahu lebih lanjut.. korang juz tengok je la cite nie yea di salurang 615 Astro Disney Channel setiap hari Sabtu and Ahad pada pukul 5 petang.. yaw!
p/s: di copy and di ambil dari .. :)
hah!! ini jugak salah satu rancangan yang zaty minat giler tau!! sume lagu-lagu cerita nie zaty simpan dalam fon.. wee~ dasyat ta zaty? huhuhuhu
okey sayang sayang ku sekalian.. itu aje untuk entry kali nie.. kalau rajin nanti zaty cerita agy tau.. busy sikit la nak pantun.. hee~ okey sayang.. daa~ bye! :)